2014년 8월 13일 수요일

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol by Jack Mitchell.jpg

Andy Warhol (August 6, 1928 – February 22, 1987) was an American artist who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art

His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, celebrity culture and advertisement that flourished by the 1960s. 

After a successful career as a commercial illustrator, Warhol became a renowned and sometimes controversial artist. The Andy Warhol Museum in his native city, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, holds an extensive permanent collection of art and archives. It is the largest museum in the United States dedicated to a single artist.

Warhol's art encompassed many forms of media, including hand drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, silk screening, sculpture, film, and music. He was also a pioneer in computer-generated art using Amiga computers that were introduced in 1984, two years before his death. 

He founded Interview Magazine and was the author of numerous books, including The Philosophy of Andy Warhol and Popism: The Warhol Sixties. He is also notable as a gay man who lived openly as such before the gay liberation movement. 

His studio, The Factory, was a famous gathering place that brought together distinguished intellectuals, drag queens, playwrights, Bohemian street people, Hollywood celebrities, and wealthy patrons.

Warhol has been the subject of numerous retrospective exhibitions, books, and feature and documentary films. He coined the widely used expression "15 minutes of fame". Many of his creations are very collectible and highly valuable. 

The highest price ever paid for a Warhol painting is US$105 million for a 1963 canvas titled "Silver Car Crash (Double Disaster)".[2] A 2009 article in The Economist described Warhol as the "bellwether of the art market".[3] Warhol's works include some of the most expensive paintings ever sold.

Jackson Pollock

Pollock, Jackson (1912-56). 

American painter, the commanding figure of the Abstract Expressionist movement.

He began to study painting in 1929 at the Art Students' League, New York, under the Regionalist painter Thomas Hart Benton. During the 1930s he worked in the manner of the Regionalists, being influenced also by the Mexican muralist painters (Orozco, Rivera, Siqueiros) and by certain aspects of Surrealism. From 1938 to 1942 he worked for the Federal Art Project. By the mid 1940s he was painting in a completely abstract manner, and the `drip and splash' style for which he is best known emerged with some abruptness in 1947. Instead of using the traditional easel he affixed his canvas to the floor or the wall and poured and dripped his paint from a can; instead of using brushes he manipulated it with `sticks, trowels or knives' (to use his own words), sometimes obtaining a heavy impasto by an admixture of `sand, broken glass or other foreign matter'. This manner of Action painting had in common with Surrealist theories of automatism that it was supposed by artists and critics alike to result in a direct expression or revelation of the unconscious moods of the artist.

Pollock's name is also associated with the introduction of the All-over style of painting which avoids any points of emphasis or identifiable parts within the whole canvas and therefore abandons the traditional idea of composition in terms of relations among parts. The design of his painting had no relation to the shape or size of the canvas -- indeed in the finished work the canvas was sometimes docked or trimmed to suit the image. All these characteristics were important for the new American painting which matured in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

Jackson Pollock

On the floor I am more at ease, I feel nearer, more a part of the painting, since this way I can walk around in it, work from the four sides and be literally `in' the painting. 
-- Jackson Pollock, 1947.

2014년 7월 31일 목요일



Born in Deagu, South Korea in 1957
Lives and work in Seoul and NewYork


B.A in Painting, Yeungnam University, South Korea
M.A. in Painting, Hyoseong Catholic University, South Korea


Gold Medal, Daegu Grand Prix Art Exhibition, 1981
Special Mention Award, Silla Grand Prix Art Exhibition, 1982
Special Mention Award in three consecutive years (1982~4 )Mokwuhoe Grand Prix Art Exhibition
Sun Art Gallery Prize, 1984

Solo Exhibitions

2013    Now Here ,Gallery Chung Dam, Chung Do
2011    Now Here ,The Page Gallery, Seoul
2011    Now Here , Dosi Gallery, Busan 
2010   Resonance by Brush Touches Park Daa Won’s Now Here ,Jean Art Gallery & Jean Artcenter 
2010  Resonance by Brush Touches ,Gallery Mee, Seoul
2009     Wave  Now Here ,Gallery Soeho, Seoul
2008     The Energy of Meditational Thought , Insa Art Center, Seoul          
2008   Wave Now Here, MilMul  Art Center, Seoul
2001     The Movement In Stillness ,Chisoku  Art Museum, Niigata Prefecture
2001    The Movement In Stillness , Gallery Artside, Seoul
2000     The Movement in Stillness ,Gallery Bundo, Daegu
2000    Interface -__ ,Dae Baek Plaza Gallery, Daegu
1999     Interface-__,Lotte Gallery, Seoul

Selected Art Fairs from 2000

2013   Korea International Art Fair, Seoul
Asia contemporary Art Show ,Hong kong
Seoul Open Art Fair, Seoul
2012   Daegu Art Fair, Daegu
            Korea Galleries Art Fair, Busan
            Seoul Open Art Fair, Seoul
2011   Art Daegu, Daegu
  Beijing Art Fair, Beijing
    Seoul Open Art Fair, Seoul
    The Asia Top Gallery Hotel Art Fair, Hong Kong 
    Korean Art Show, New York
    Korea Galleries Art Fair. Seoul
            Seoul Art Festival, Seoul
2010   Deagu Art Fair, Daegu
            Shanghai Art Fair, Shangahi
            Gallery Festival, a satellite event of the 2010 Busan Biennale
            Art Daegu, Deagu
            Seoul Open Art Fair, Seoul
            Korean Art Show, New York
2009   Daegu Art Fair, Daegu
            Korea  International Art Fair, Seoul
2008   Art Taipei, Taipei
            Beijing Dashanzi 798 Festival, Beijing
            Art Geneve, Geneva
2000   MANIF Seoul 6!, Seoul

Selected Group Exhibitions from 2008 
(participated in more than 200 group shows)

2011    Inaugural Exhibition of Goerak Gallery, Seoul
            100 Artists of Contemporary Art, Seoul Art Museum
2010    A Contemporary Art Trend: SMART, Super Message of Art, Gyeongnam Art Museum
             Korean Circle, Taegeuk–An Aesthetic of a Loop of Circulation and Reversal, Korea University Art Museum, Seoul
             An Aesthetic of Void, Gallery So
             Breathe Each Other's Breath, Ponetive Space, Seoul
             Ventriloquism of Image, Interalia Art Company, Seoul
2009    Non Group Exhibition, the Chosun Ilbo Gallery, Seoul
Insa Art Festival, Seoul Art Museum, Seoul
White Line, Insa Gallery, Seoul
Invitational  Exhibition of International Creative Artists Association, the Chosun Ilbo Gallery, Seoul
Seoul World Art Fair, Sangmyung University Art Center
              Brilliant Contemporary Art, Insa Art Plaza
2008     Korea-China Exchange Exhibition, Taipei
              Korea·Japan invitational Exhibition, Seoul
              Korea·German Exchange Exhibition, Munich
              Mokwuhoe Exhibition, the Korean National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
              Hanhwahoe Exhibition, Dongduk Art Gallery, Seoul
              Yeong-Honam Province Exchange Exhibition, Deagu Art Museum, Daegu
              European Scenes, Maekhyang Gallery, Seoul
              Art Exhibition by Sangji University Professors
              Invitational Exhibition of 6 Artists, Taebaik Gallery
    Invitational Exhibition of Korean contemporary, Paris
    Invitational Exhibition of Korean contemporary, Wien

Selected Collections

George W Bush, the 43rd President of the United States
Korea University Museum
Consulate-General of the Republic of Korea in Niigata Prefecture
Dongying Shengli Oilfield Office, Dongying, PRC
Chisoku Art Museum,Nigitta .Japan
Daegu Central Bank, Daegu
Korea Education Media
Yeungnam University

Selected Bibliography

Park, Daa Won and Seol, Gi Moon, A Hypnosis for Creative Success , 2009.Maumsalim
Park, Jung Soo,. Art Investment Appreciation, 2009, BANK. 141~144P
Kim, Jong Kun, Korean Contemporary Art,Representive Artists, 2009, Art Blue. 88~91P
Korea Art Critic Assoiation ,30 Artists 30 Views 2011. Yeswon. 127~136p,
Medical Center Magine, CHUNHYANG, 2011, 38~39P
CNB, CNB JOUNAL, Aug2011, 62~64P
NEXT Economy Magagine ,NEXT  ECONOMY , Oct 2011,74~75p
LIFETYLE MAGINE FOR PLATINUM MEMRERS, THE BC, NOV 2011, 92~93p ,Monthly Culture Magaine, CLUTURE OCEAN, April 2011
HA NAM CITY, CLEAN HA NAM, April 2013, 38-39p